
Attach multiple bodies together to interact in unique ways.


love.physics.newDistanceJointCreates a DistanceJoint between two bodies.
love.physics.newFrictionJointA FrictionJoint applies friction to a body.Added since 0.8.0
love.physics.newGearJointCreate a GearJoint connecting two Joints.
love.physics.newMouseJointCreate a joint between a body and the mouse.
love.physics.newPrismaticJointCreates a PrismaticJoint between two bodies.
love.physics.newPulleyJointCreates a PulleyJoint to join two bodies to each other and the ground.
love.physics.newRevoluteJointCreates a pivot joint between two bodies.
love.physics.newRopeJointCreates a joint between two bodies that enforces a max distance between them.Added since 0.8.0
love.physics.newWeldJointA WeldJoint essentially glues two bodies together.Added since 0.8.0
love.physics.newWheelJointCreates a wheel joint.Added since 0.8.0


Joint:destroyExplicitly destroys the Joint.
Joint:getAnchorsGet the anchor points of the joint.
Joint:getCollideConnectedGets whether the connected Bodies collide.
Joint:getReactionForceReturns the reaction force on the second body.
Joint:getReactionTorqueReturns the reaction torque on the second body.
Joint:getTypeGets an string representing the type.
Joint:setCollideConnectedSets whether the connected Bodies should collide with each other.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.



DistanceJointKeeps two bodies at the same distance.
FrictionJointA FrictionJoint applies friction to a body.Added since 0.8.0
GearJointKeeps bodies together in such a way that they act like gears.
MouseJointFor controlling objects with the mouse.
PrismaticJointRestricts relative motion between Bodies to one shared axis.
PulleyJointAllows you to simulate bodies connected through pulleys.
RevoluteJointAllow two Bodies to revolve around a shared point.
RopeJointEnforces a maximum distance between two points on two bodies.Added since 0.8.0
WeldJointA WeldJoint essentially glues two bodies together.Added since 0.8.0
WheelJointRestricts a point on the second body to a line on the first body.


JointTypeDifferent types of joints.

See Also

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