SpriteBatch (Русский)

Накопление геометрии в буфере, которая может быть нарисована за один вызов.


Canvas Off-screen render target.
Framebuffer Off-screen render target.
Image Drawable image type.
Mesh A 2D polygon mesh used for drawing arbitrary textured shapes.
ParticleSystem Used to create cool effects, like fire.
SpriteBatch Store image positions in a buffer, and draw it in one call.
SpriteBatch:add Adds a sprite to the batch.
SpriteBatch:addq Adds a Quad to the batch.
SpriteBatch:bind Binds the SpriteBatch to memory for more efficient updating.
SpriteBatch:clear Removes all sprites from the buffer.
SpriteBatch:flush Immediately sends all new and modified sprite data to the graphics card.
SpriteBatch:getBufferSize Gets the maximum number of sprites the SpriteBatch can hold.
SpriteBatch:getColor Gets the color that will be used for the next add and set operations.
SpriteBatch:getCount Gets the number of sprites currently in the SpriteBatch.
SpriteBatch:getImage Returns the image used by the SpriteBatch.
SpriteBatch:getTexture Gets the texture (Image or Canvas) used by the SpriteBatch.
SpriteBatch:set Changes a sprite in the batch.
SpriteBatch:setBufferSize Sets the maximum number of sprites the SpriteBatch can hold.
SpriteBatch:setColor Sets the color that will be used for the next add or set operations.
SpriteBatch:setImage Replaces the image used for the sprites.
SpriteBatch:setTexture Sets the texture (Image or Canvas) used for the sprites in the batch.
SpriteBatch:setq Changes a sprite with a quad in the batch.
SpriteBatch:unbind Unbinds the SpriteBatch.
Texture Superclass for drawable objects which represent a texture.

Базовый тип


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