
Available since LÖVE 0.8.0
This method is not supported in earlier versions.

Changes a sprite in the batch. This requires the identifier returned by add and addq.



SpriteBatch:set( id, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky )


number id
The identifier of the sprite that will be changed.
number x
The position to draw the object (x-axis).
number y
The position to draw the object (y-axis).
number r (0)
Orientation (radians).
number sx (1)
Scale factor (x-axis).
number sy (sx)
Scale factor (y-axis).
number ox (0)
Origin offset (x-axis).
number oy (0)
Origin offset (y-axis).
number kx (0)
Shear factor (x-axis).
number ky (0)
Shear factor (y-axis).




Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This variant has replaced SpriteBatch:setq.

Changes a sprite with a Quad in the batch. This requires the identifier returned by SpriteBatch:add.


SpriteBatch:set( id, quad, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky )


number id
The identifier of the sprite that will be changed.
Quad quad
The Quad used on the image of the batch.
number x
The position to draw the object (x-axis).
number y
The position to draw the object (y-axis).
number r (0)
Orientation (radians).
number sx (1)
Scale factor (x-axis).
number sy (sx)
Scale factor (y-axis).
number ox (0)
Origin offset (x-axis).
number oy (0)
Origin offset (y-axis).
number kx (0)
Shear factor (x-axis).
number ky (0)
Shear factor (y-axis).




SpriteBatches do not support removing individual sprites. One can do a pseudo removal (instead of clearing and re-adding everything) by:

SpriteBatch:set(id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

This makes all the sprite's vertices equal (because the x and y scales are 0), which prevents the GPU from fully processing the sprite when drawing the SpriteBatch.

See Also

Other Languages

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