
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

A 2D polygon mesh used for drawing arbitrary textured shapes.

Constructors a new Mesh.Added since 0.9.0


Mesh:getDrawModeGets the mode used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:getDrawRangeGets the range of vertices used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.1
Mesh:getImageGets the Image used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:getTextureGets the texture (Image or Canvas) used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.1
Mesh:getVertexGets the properties of a vertex in the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:getVertexCountGets the total number of vertices in the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:getVertexMapGets the vertex map for the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:getVerticesGets all the vertices in the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:hasVertexColorsGets whether per-vertex colors are used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setDrawModeSets the mode used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setDrawRangeRestricts the drawn vertices of the Mesh to a subset of the total.Added since 0.9.1
Mesh:setImageSets the Image used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setTextureSets the texture (Image or Canvas) used when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.1
Mesh:setVertexSets the properties of a vertex in the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setVertexColorsSets whether per-vertex colors are used instead of the constant color when drawing the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setVertexMapSets the vertex map for the Mesh.Added since 0.9.0
Mesh:setVerticesReplaces all vertices in the Mesh with new ones.Added since 0.9.0
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.


MeshDrawModeHow a Mesh's vertices are used when drawing.Added since 0.9.0


See Also

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