Image (Tiếng Việt)

Kiểu hình ảnh vẽ được.

Constructor Creates a new Image.


Những hàm này có cặp ngoặc tròn viết rất lạ. Đó là do không gian tên Image: đã được dành riêng cho Mediawiki.

(Image):getData Gets the original ImageData or CompressedData used to create the Image.
(Image):getDimensions Gets the width and height of the Image.
(Image):getFilter Gets the filter mode for an image.
(Image):getHeight Gets the height of the Image.
(Image):getMipmapFilter Gets the mipmap filter mode for an Image.
(Image):getWidth Gets the width of the Image.
(Image):getWrap Gets the wrapping properties of an Image.
(Image):isCompressed Gets whether the Image was created from CompressedData.
(Image):refresh Reloads the Image's contents from the Data used to create the image.
(Image):setFilter Sets the filter mode for an image.
(Image):setMipmapFilter Sets the mipmap filter mode for an Image.
(Image):setWrap Sets the wrapping properties of an Image.
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.

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