DistanceJoint (Русский)

Держит два тела на определенной дистанции.


DistanceJoint:getDamping Gets the damping ratio.
DistanceJoint:getDampingRatio Gets the damping ratio.
DistanceJoint:getFrequency Gets the response speed.
DistanceJoint:getLength Gets the equilibrium distance between the two Bodies.
DistanceJoint:setDamping Sets the damping ratio.
DistanceJoint:setDampingRatio Sets the damping ratio.
DistanceJoint:setFrequency Sets the response speed.
DistanceJoint:setLength Sets the equilibrium distance between the two Bodies.
Joint:destroy Explicitly destroys the Joint.
Joint:getAnchors Get the anchor points of the joint.
Joint:getCollideConnected Gets whether the connected Bodies collide.
Joint:getReactionForce Returns the reaction force on the second body.
Joint:getReactionTorque Returns the reaction torque on the second body.
Joint:getType Gets an string representing the type.
Joint:getUserData Returns the Lua value associated with this Joint.
Joint:setCollideConnected Sets whether the connected Bodies should collide with each other.
Joint:setUserData Associates a Lua value with the Joint.

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