
Returns input devices binded to the map on the corresponding option.



device, key, inverse, delta, joystick = cock.getBinded ( self, map, option )


table self
An object to use.
string map
Control map to look up.
string option
Optional. Map option to look up bindings in. Will revert to defaultOption if not provided.


number device
Input device number.
number key
Input key value. May be a string, depending on the input device.
number inverse
Inverse mode number.
number delta
Delta mode number.
number joystick
Internal joystick number. Will be 1 for non-joystick devices.



table = cock.getBinded ( self, map, all )


table self
An object to use.
string map
Control map to look up.
boolean all
Value "true" will return a table with bindings on all options for the map.


table table
List of all binded controls for the map.

Table is generated as following:

table = {
    option = { "primary", "secondary", "etc."... },
    device = { 1, 2, 3... },
       key = { "x", 1, 5... },
   inverse = { 2, 1, -2... },
     delta = { 0, 1, -1... },
  joystick = { 1, 1, 3 }

First sub-table contains option names in arbitrary order. Values in all other tables correspond to the options in the first table.

See also

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