Common Organization of Controls Kit Manual

Basic use

The library designed to be reasonably easy to use while maintain great flexibility and features.


First thing you need to do is, obviously, require the library. Then, you create a new control object using You can optionally fill it with data at instant, or may do it later. Then you optionally load saved settings, via serialization for an instance. After that (but not before!) you can reload joystick with cock.reloadJoysticks, that essentially will search for previously used joystick and set it up. If you don't have controls to load, you assign default controls, joystick modes and mouse values with cock.setControls (if you didn't do it upon creation).

Controls data format

Functions and cock.setControls are accepting data in specific format that needs to be maintained. It is defined as following:

{ default1 = {
  up = { primary = { "keyboard", "up" }, secondary = { "mouse axis", "y", "negative", "positive cutoff" },
  down = { primary = { "keyboard", "down" }, secondary = { "mouse axis", "y", "positive", "positive cutoff" } },
 default2 = { ... }

It will define you controls "up" and "down" to be accessed later, with two options to use ("primary" and "secondary"), one with keyboard only control and another with mouse only, and pushes it to "default1" controls set. You can then use defined defaults with cock.setDefault to e.g. restore controls to default, or set them up as such if there's no user-edited controls.

Obtaining the values

This is done really easy: you simply access your control class "current" or "previous" table's child named as your defined control.

if control.current.up > 0 then
    player.y = player.y - 100 * dt
elseif control.current.down > 0 then
    player.y = player.y + 100 * dt

These variables (except for mouse axis) contain decimal values ranged -1 to 1 (0 to 1 in "cutoff" and "whole" mode), which you can use for analog control. Mouse axis-bound variables would store pretty arbitrary numbers, with undefined range, only influenced by mouse factor and offset.

You can also use library callbacks just like normal input callbacks:

function cock.controlpressed ( id, key, val )
    if key == "up" then
        player.accel = 1

By default, all library callbacks are disabled, so to use them you have to enable them via cock.setCallbacks.

The library also have effecient getters and setters for that, but you are strongly discouraged to use them.

Updating controls

You simply put update function (cock.updateAll) to your "love.update" callback, and that's it. It is suggested to put it to beginning of the function. Placing it to other callbacks, such as "love.keypressed" is not necessary at all due to LÖVE's way of handling them.

Enabling user to edit controls

The library have a special function to assume "input capture" mode (cock.setCapture), in which any incoming user input will be captured and automatically binded to provided key. You may specify whether or not you want to lock input callbacks and update function, and ignore mouse motion, during input capture mode. You can abort this mode using cock.cancelCapture. In input capture mode, if mouse motion capture is enabled, the library will temporairly center the mouse and then set it back once input is captured, but it will not hide it because, with all the possible user implementations of mouse cursor, it's simply meaningless, so make sure you hide your cursor during capture, otherwise it'll weirdly jump to the center of the screen and back. In this case you would normally want to use controlcaptured callback, with cock.bind at the end.

You can bind the device and key manually, using the cock.bind function.

You can implement "arbitrary binds per action" using search for unused options via cock.getEmptyOption. It will return next unused option, and since for gathering input, option name is irrelevant, you can simply bind keys to free options arbitrairly. If the function fails to find empty option, you'd have to create a new option with cock.addOption rather than binding to unexisted option. This is due to internal structure of the library.

NOTE: in input capture mode, the library would temporary replace your input callbacks and update function with it's own wrappers for them, until some input is provided, which could interfere with other libraries/modules that would do the same (or even with itself), so use it with care. Make sure you do not assume another input capture while being in input capture, this creates an infinite recursion and the game will instantly bluescreen with a stack overflow error. The rule of thumb is to only allow one callbacks replacement at a time, or only allow nested replacements, but never intersecting replacements. If none of your other code would do that in a separate thread, but would do that in main thread, enabling both locks ensures safe capture. If your code doesn't do that at all, having locks enabled may be not necessary.

Advanced features

This library was created with robust design in mind, so it supports a bit of handy advanced features that otherwisely would be needed to implemented by the programmer, which is not always convenient.

Mouse offset and scaling factor

For simplicity of aquiring values from control table, it handles this two math operations for you. It subtracts actual mouse position from an offset (cock.setMouseOffset), and then multiplies result by scaling factor(cock.setMouseFactor), per axis. This creates an easy way to set mouse centre point and mouse sensevity.

Delta and inversion modes, cutoff modes

These mode alter the behavior of input readings. Inversion modes are negating the input (reverse axis and swap "pressed" and "released" states for keys), and delta mode would report change in the value rather than actual value. Uses for inversion are obvious, and delta modes can report only keypresses/releases, and velocities of the axis-like input devices.

More read: Common Organization of Controls Kit Modes

Joystick hat modes

Default mode for joystick hat is "8-way" diagonal input, just like default LÖVE's joystick hats, the other are variants of "4-way". Using this feature you can make axis horizontally or vertically biased, or even radially biased. You can also "split" the axis into 4 directions and it would report values per each direciton, effectively treating dpad like 4 keys rather than directional pad.

More read: Common Organization of Controls Kit Hat modes

You can change the modes on fly as necessary with cock.setJoystickHatMode.


You can define deadzones per-axis with cock.setJoystickDeadzone. This function works pretty straightforward. You might want to know a little detail about it's implementaiton, that is it first subtracts threshold from the value and then amplifies it by another number that results in axis being "shrinked", starting at threshold point and ending at 1 like normal, rather than instantly jumping from 0 to threshold parameter and such.

Joystick hat remapping

Due to the way some joysticks' hats are handled, you may want to map some of joysticks' buttons to a virtual joystick hat with cock.remapJoystickHat. To do that, you simply use corresponding function and pass it exactly 4 joystick buttons to use. After that, the joystick will have specified hat "remapped", and it'll work like regular joystick hat. Note that once you started remapping, it will instantly switch to "remapped hat" mode, and incomplete remapping will result in incomplete operability.

Displaying setup

Library provides handful of feedback functions, such as conversion from literal to numerical values and vice versa, for returning binded controls, for finding unused options. More on this you can find in the demos.

Function index

cock.addJoystick Hooks up new joystick.
cock.addOption Creates new input option.
cock.bind Binds given input.
cock.cancelCapture Cancels input capture.
cock.convertAxis Converts axis.
cock.convertDelta Converts delta.
cock.convertDevice Converts device.
cock.convertInverse Converts inverse.
cock.convertJoystick Converts joystick.
cock.convertJoystickHat Converts joystick hat.
cock.convertJoystickHatMode Converts hat mode.
cock.convertKey Converts key.
cock.delete Deletes object.
cock.deleteJoystick Deletes joystick.
cock.deleteOption Deletes input option.
cock.explodeCapturedData Explodes longdata.
cock.find Find object.
cock.getBinded Gets binded controls.
cock.getCapture Gets capture state.
cock.getEmptyOption Finds unused option.
cock.getJoystickDeadzone Gets deadzones.
cock.getJoystickHatMode Sets hat modes.
cock.getJoysticksList Lists joysticks.
cock.getMouseFactor Gets mouse factor.
cock.getMouseOffset Gets mouse offset. Creates new object.
cock.reloadJoysticks Reloads joysticks.
cock.remapJoystickHat Maps buttons to hats.
cock.setCallbacks Toggles callbacks.
cock.setCapture User-edit controls.
cock.setControls Creates control layouts.
cock.setDefault Reverts to defaults.
cock.setDefaultXBox360 (BROKEN) Creates XBox360 layout.
cock.setJoystickDeadzone Sets deadzones.
cock.setJoystickHatMode Sets hat modes.
cock.setMouseFactor Sets mouse factor.
cock.setMouseOffset Sets mouse offset.
cock.unbind Unbinds map.
cock.update Updates object.
cock.updateAll Updates all objects.

See also

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