Common Organization of Controls Kit Fields

Control object have a variety of fields that you can directly access.


Control objects' structure is defined as following:

  • defaultOption
  • defaultLayout
  • current
  • previous
  • joysticks
    • name
    • number
  • etc
    • id
    • mouse
      • x
      • y
      • fx
      • fy


string defaultOption
Option to use in functions that require it by default. Default value is "default".
string defaultLayout
Layout to use in cock.setDefault by default. Default value is "default".
table current
Table that contains all readings for maps at current frame.
table previous
Table that contains all readings for maps at previous frame.
table joysticks
Table that contains all used joysticks.
string name
Joystick name.
number number
Joystick number.
table etc
Table that contains miscellaneous data.
string id
Object ID.
table mouse
Table that contains mouse-related settings.
number x
X-coordinate of mouse offset. Default is 0.
number y
Y-coordinate of mouse offset. Default is 0.
number fx
Horizontal scaling factor. Default is 1.
number fy
Vertical scaling factor. Default is 1.

Accessing object.current.* is a suggested way of getting current state of the input.

You can access real joystick names and number by accessing object.joysticks[ # ].name and object.joysticks[ # ].number respectively.

An ID can be read from field.

All mouse settings can be done vla functions (cock.setMouseOffset and cock.setMouseFactor) or directly throguh object.etc.mouse.* fields.

See also

Personal tools