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All Libraries

Name Description LOVE Version
30log A small and effective object-orientation framework in 30 lines Any
Astray Astray is a lua based maze, room and dungeon generation library for dungeon crawlers and rougelike video games. Any
Cupid A debugging shim providing a console, crash logging, and project reloading. Any
Donut Simplified debug message control system Any
Fizz X Platformer(AABB) physics library Any
Flux Fast, lightweight tweening library Any
Goo GUI library for Love Any
HUMP Gamedev-Powertools: Gamestates, timed function calls, vectors, object orientation, cameras and signals Any
HardonCollider A collision detection system Any
Jumper Fast pathfinding library for 2D grid-based maps Any
LUBE The one and only networking library Any
LibCompress Pure Lua Compression library Any
Lovebird A browser-based debug console for LÖVE Any
Lua FOV Field of View (FOV) algorithms implemented in Lua Any
Lume Utility functions geared towards game development Any
MiddleClass Object-orientation for Lua Any
Moses A utility-belt library for fun and functional programming with Lua Any
Noobhub Multiplayer and network messaging Any
Popo Character based programmable text library Any
SICK Easy high-score keeping. Any
Ser A fast, robust, richly-featured table serialisation library Any
Serial A serialization library optimized for very large tables. Any
Simple Educative Class System A class implementation Any
Stateswitcher A state switcher library based on files (one file=one state). Any
Tserial Converts tables into strings and back. Good for saving games, multiplayer, etc. Any
beholder.lua Event observation for Lua. Any
bump.lua Minimal collision detection lib. Any
cron A set of functions for executing actions at a certain time interval. Any
cron.lua Time-based functions for Lua. Any
gamera Camera library for LÖVE. Any
inspect.lua Pretty-print for Lua. Any
libSaveTableToFile Load and save tables as text files. Any
libxml Lua XML Library Any
lol.lua Object prototyping library for Lua. Any
love-loader Load images and sounds in a separate thread. Any
love.bundle Data saving lib for Love. Any
love.screen Manage easily your screen resolution, caption, ... Any
lure HTML DOM Parser/Renderer. Any
memoize.lua Generic memoization for Lua. Any
stateful.lua Stateful Object Orientation for middleclass. Any
strong A library that provides many enhancements to strings. Any
tile-collider Module for resolving tile collisions (+slopes) Any
tween Small sets of functions for performing tweening in Lua Any
tween.lua Simple tweening lib for Lua. Any
FPSGraph A simple lightweight graphing utility for LOVE 0.9.x
Thomas Input library 0.9.x
Zoetrope A starter kit for LÖVE, including sprites, collisions, maps, and debugging. 0.9.x
fuccboiGDX Engine/framework with tons of cool stuff! 0.9.x
sfxr.lua Generate your sounds dynamically, at runtime 0.9.x
Lovetoys A neat Entity Component System for Lua and some nice manager for collisions and events 0.9.1
LuaPill LuaPill (short for "Practical Isometric Layering Library for Lua") is an engine for generating isometric maps for Löve2D and Lua. 0.9.1
Löve Frames An advanced GUI library for LÖVE 0.9.1
Monocle Debugging & Expression watching for Love2D 0.9.1
RL-Dice A dice module aimed for roguelikes. 0.9
Love3D This allows you to simulate real 3D in a 2D engine. No Raycasting! 0.8.x
LoveFS Pure Lua FileSystem Access 0.8.x
Quickie Simple(r), but powerful GUI 0.8.x
fakecanvas [WIP] Convenient canvas emulation for unsupported hardware 0.8.x
Advanced Tiled Loader Loads and displays Tiled maps in LÖVE. 0.8.0
Common Organization of Controls Kit Comprehensive input handling library 0.8.0
HS2 A simple and awesome high score table. 0.8.0
Jupiter Table serialisation and file io. 0.8.0
Lovely Tiles Suite of tools for loading/rendering tilemaps 0.8.0
LövelyMoon Easily handle gamestates with this library! 0.8.0
text.lua Pretty print texts 0.8.0
babel A simple library for internationalisation. 0.8
32 lines of goodness 32 lines of goodness is a small OO library that uses a domain specific language to make a neat syntax so OO is easy. 0.7.2
Easy GUI System EGS is a simple GUI system with events and multiple controls, without overcomplicating things too much. 0.7.2
LoveAStar A* search, written in Lua, for use in LOVE. 0.7.2
RandomLua Random numbers generator for all platforms 0.7.2
anim8 Animation Library for LÖVE. 0.7.2
TLpath Add A* pathfinding to games 0.7.1
SLAM A friendly sound manager. 0.7.0+
Message in a Bottle A message library for LOVE. 0.7.0
TEsound A sound manager that makes it easy to use sound and music 0.7.0
TLbind A simple system for creating professional control schemes 0.7.0
TLfres Lets games run at any resolution, easily and without stretching 0.7.0
AnAL Animations for 0.6.0+ 0.6.x
LoveUI GUI library for Love 0.6.x
Pölygamy Game State, Keyboard and Timer helpers 0.6.x
Swingers A gesture library for LÖVE 0.6.x
RotLove The Roguelike Toolkit for Love2D. Based on rot.js and libtcod. 0.6.2+
rlLove Code Page 437 emulator based on Ascii Panel by Trystan Spangler. For Roguelike development. 0.6.2+
Adult Lib run old (0.5.x) Löve code with the current Löve version 0.6.2
LoveUpdate A new way to release your game. 0.6.2
UaLove A library that changes the way you LÖVE. 0.6.2
MindState Stateful information complement for MiddleClass (deprecated). 0.6.1
socket Implements a luasocket module for TCP/UDP networking. 0.5.0
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