
Small sets of functions for performing tweening in Lua. Based on jQuery’s animate function by Enrique García Cota aka kikito.


local tween = require 'tween'

-- increase the volume of music from 0 to 5 in 10 seconds
local music = { volume = 0, path = "path/to/file.mp3" }
tween(10, music, { volume = 5 })

-- make some text fall from the top of the screen, bouncing on y=300, in 4 seconds
local label = { x=200, y=0, text = "hello" }
tween(4, label, { y=300 }, 'outBounce')

-- fade background to black in 2 seconds, and then print a message on the terminal
local backgroundColor = {255,255,255}
tween(2, backgroundColor, {0,0,0}, 'linear', print, "hello!")


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