
Simple(r) GUI implementation

Quickie is a immediate mode gui implementation for LÖVE.

In immediate mode GUIs you don't have button-*objects*, slider-*objects* and other-*objects* that are created in one place and used in another place. Rather, all widgets are just functions that put stuff where you want it. In addition, widgets don't keep track of their state (e.g. the slider value) - you have to do it. This approach makes a lot of things easier:

  • Want to hide the widget? Simply don't call the function!
  • Want to place the widget at a different position, for example above the player's head? Just call the function with different arguments!
  • Want to get the value out of a widget? You already have it!

Quickie defines several widgets often found in games:

  • Buttons,
  • Input boxes,
  • Sliders,
  • Checkbockes, and
  • Labels.

If you need more, you can always create new widgets. It's super easy.

Quickie also includes flexible group layout tool.

Code at github: https://github.com/vrld/Quickie

Forum post: https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7811

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