World (Русский)

Объект, содержащий все тела и соединения.


love.physics.newWorld (Русский)Создает объект World.


World:destroyDestroys the world.Added since 0.8.0
World:getAllowSleepingReturns the sleep behaviour of the world.Added since 0.8.0 Removed in 0.9.0
World:getBodyCountReturns the number of bodies in the world.
World:getBodyListReturns a table with all bodies.Added since 0.8.0
World:getCallbacksReturns functions for the callbacks during the world update.
World:getContactCountReturns the number of contacts in the world.Added since 0.8.0
World:getContactFilterReturns the function for collision filtering.Added since 0.8.0
World:getContactListReturns a table with all contacts.Added since 0.8.0
World:getGravityGet the gravity of the world.
World:getJointCountReturns the number of joints in the world.
World:getJointListReturns a table with all joints.Added since 0.8.0
World:getMeterGet the scale of the world.
World:isAllowSleepGet the sleep behaviour of the world. Removed in 0.8.0
World:isLockedReturns if the world is updating its state.Added since 0.8.0
World:isSleepingAllowedGets the sleep behaviour of the world.Added since 0.9.0
World:queryBoundingBoxCalls a function for each fixture inside the specified area.Added since 0.8.0
World:rayCastCasts a ray and calls a function with the fixtures that intersect it.Added since 0.8.0
World:setAllowSleepSet the sleep behaviour of the world. Removed in 0.8.0
World:setAllowSleepingSets the sleep behaviour of the world.Added since 0.8.0 Removed in 0.9.0
World:setCallbacksSets functions to be called when shapes collide.Added since 0.8.0 Removed in 0.8.0
World:setContactFilterSets a function for collision filtering.Added since 0.8.0
World:setGravitySet the gravity of the world.
World:setMeterSet the scale of the world. Removed in 0.8.0
World:setSleepingAllowedSets the sleep behaviour of the world.Added since 0.9.0
World:translateOriginTranslates the World's origin.Added since 0.9.0
World:updateUpdate the state of the world.

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