Shape (Tiếng Việt)

Hình là những đối tượng dùng để điều khiển khối lượng và va chạm.

Mỗi hình là một đa giác hoặc hình tròn, và được gắn vào một vật thể.


love.physics.newChainShape Creates a new ChainShape.
love.physics.newCircleShape Creates a new CircleShape.
love.physics.newEdgeShape Creates a new EdgeShape.
love.physics.newPolygonShape Creates a new PolygonShape.
love.physics.newRectangleShape Shorthand for creating rectangluar PolygonShapes.


Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
Shape:computeAABB Returns the points of the bounding box for the transformed shape.
Shape:computeMass Computes the mass properties for the shape.
Shape:destroy Explicitly destroys the Shape.
Shape:getBody Get the body the shape is attached to.
Shape:getBoundingBox Gets the bounding box of the shape.
Shape:getCategory Gets the categories this shape is a member of.
Shape:getCategoryBits Gets the categories as a 16-bit integer.
Shape:getChildCount Returns the number of children the shape has.
Shape:getData Get the data set with setData.
Shape:getDensity Gets the density of the Shape.
Shape:getFilterData Gets the filter data of the Shape.
Shape:getFriction Gets the friction of this shape.
Shape:getMask Gets which categories this shape should NOT collide with.
Shape:getRadius Gets the radius of the shape.
Shape:getRestitution Gets the restitution of this shape.
Shape:getType Gets a string representing the Shape.
Shape:isSensor Checks whether a Shape is a sensor or not.
Shape:rayCast Casts a ray against the shape.
Shape:setCategory Sets the categories this shape is a member of.
Shape:setData Set data to be passed to the collision callback.
Shape:setDensity Sets the density of a Shape.
Shape:setFilterData Sets the filter data for a Shape.
Shape:setFriction Sets the friction of the shape.
Shape:setMask Sets which categories this shape should NOT collide with.
Shape:setRestitution Sets the restitution of the shape.
Shape:setSensor Sets whether this shape should act as a sensor.
Shape:testPoint Checks whether a point lies inside the shape.
Shape:testSegment Checks whether a line segment intersects a shape.

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ShapeType The different types of Shapes, as returned by Shape:getType.

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