CircleShape (Tiếng Việt)

Đối tượng Hình tròn (Circle) mở rộng từ đối tượng Hình (Shape) và bổ sung thêm bán kính và vị trí địa phương.


love.physics.newCircleShape Creates a new CircleShape.


CircleShape:getLocalCenter Get the center of the circle in local coordinates.
CircleShape:getPoint Gets the center point of the circle shape.
CircleShape:getRadius Gets the radius of the circle shape.
CircleShape:getWorldCenter Get the center of the circle in world coordinates.
CircleShape:setPoint Sets the center point of the circle shape.
CircleShape:setRadius Sets the radius of the circle.
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
Shape:computeAABB Returns the points of the bounding box for the transformed shape.
Shape:computeMass Computes the mass properties for the shape.
Shape:destroy Explicitly destroys the Shape.
Shape:getBody Get the body the shape is attached to.
Shape:getBoundingBox Gets the bounding box of the shape.
Shape:getCategory Gets the categories this shape is a member of.
Shape:getCategoryBits Gets the categories as a 16-bit integer.
Shape:getChildCount Returns the number of children the shape has.
Shape:getData Get the data set with setData.
Shape:getDensity Gets the density of the Shape.
Shape:getFilterData Gets the filter data of the Shape.
Shape:getFriction Gets the friction of this shape.
Shape:getMask Gets which categories this shape should NOT collide with.
Shape:getRadius Gets the radius of the shape.
Shape:getRestitution Gets the restitution of this shape.
Shape:getType Gets a string representing the Shape.
Shape:isSensor Checks whether a Shape is a sensor or not.
Shape:rayCast Casts a ray against the shape.
Shape:setCategory Sets the categories this shape is a member of.
Shape:setData Set data to be passed to the collision callback.
Shape:setDensity Sets the density of a Shape.
Shape:setFilterData Sets the filter data for a Shape.
Shape:setFriction Sets the friction of the shape.
Shape:setMask Sets which categories this shape should NOT collide with.
Shape:setRestitution Sets the restitution of the shape.
Shape:setSensor Sets whether this shape should act as a sensor.
Shape:testPoint Checks whether a point lies inside the shape.
Shape:testSegment Checks whether a line segment intersects a shape.

Kiểu cấp trên

Shape Object

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