love.thread (简体中文)

Available since LÖVE 0.7.0
This module is not supported in earlier versions.



当一个线程启动时, 它只加载love.thread模块. 所有其他的模块需要用require加载.

O.png love.graphics模块有一些限制,因此它应该只在主线程使用.  


Channel An object which can be used to send and receive data between different threads.
Thread A Thread represents a thread.


love.thread.getChannel Creates or retrieves a named thread channel.
love.thread.getThread Look for a thread and get its object.
love.thread.getThreads Get all threads.
love.thread.newChannel Creates a new unnamed thread channel.
love.thread.newThread Creates a new Thread from a Lua file or FileData object.

See Also

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