
Available since LÖVE 0.9.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

An object which can be used to send and receive data between different threads.


love.thread.getChannelCreates or retrieves a named thread channel.Added since 0.9.0
love.thread.newChannelCreates a new unnamed thread channel.Added since 0.9.0


Channel:clearClears all the messages in the Channel queue.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:demandWait for and retrieve the value of a Channel message.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:getCountRetrieves the number of messages in the Channel queue.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:peekReceive a message from a thread Channel, but leave it in the queue.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:popRetrieve the value of a Channel message.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:pushSend a message to a thread Channel.Added since 0.9.0
Channel:supplySend a message to a thread Channel and wait for a thread to accept it.Added since 0.9.0
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.


See Also

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