Font (Tiếng Việt)

Định nghĩa hình dáng của những kí tự có thể vẽ được lên màn hình.

Constructor Creates a new Font. Creates a new Font by loading a specifically formatted image.


Font:getAscent Gets the ascent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getBaseline Gets the baseline of the Font in pixels.
Font:getDescent Gets the descent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getFilter Gets the filter mode for a font.
Font:getHeight Gets the height of the Font in pixels.
Font:getLineHeight Gets the line height.
Font:getWidth Determines the horizontal size a line of text needs.
Font:getWrap Returns how many lines text would be wrapped to.
Font:hasGlyphs Gets whether the Font can render a character or string.
Font:setFilter Sets the filter mode for a font.
Font:setLineHeight Sets the line height.
Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.

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