Thread (Русский)

Available since LÖVE 0.7.0
This type is not supported in earlier versions.

Поток - это часть кода, которая может выполняться параллельно с другими потоками.


love.thread.newThread Creates a new Thread from a Lua file or FileData object.


Object:type Gets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOf Checks whether an object is of a certain type.
Thread:demand Receive a message from a thread. Wait for the message to exist before returning.
Thread:get Get a value.
Thread:getError Retrieves the error string from the thread.
Thread:getKeys Returns the names of all messages as a table.
Thread:getName Get the name of a thread.
Thread:isRunning Returns whether the thread is currently running.
Thread:kill Forcefully terminate the thread.
Thread:peek Receive a message from a thread, but leave it in the message box.
Thread:receive Receive a message from a thread.
Thread:send Send a message.
Thread:set Set a value.
Thread:start Starts the thread.
Thread:wait Wait for a thread to finish.

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