SoundData (Русский)

Содержит не обработанные аудио данные. Чтобы воспроизвести эти данные, вы должны сначала загрузить их в объект Source.


CompressedData Compressed image data designed to stay compressed in RAM and on the GPU.
Data:getPointer Gets a pointer to the Data.
Data:getSize Gets the size in bytes of the Data.
Data:getString Gets the full Data as a string.
FileData Data representing the contents of a file.
FontData A FontData represents a font.
GlyphData A GlyphData represents a drawable symbol of a font.
ImageData Raw (decoded) image data.
SoundData Contains raw audio samples.
SoundData:getBitDepth Returns the number of bits per sample.
SoundData:getBits Returns the number of bits per sample.
SoundData:getChannels Returns the number of channels in the stream.
SoundData:getDuration Gets the duration of the sound data.
SoundData:getSample Gets the sample at the specified position.
SoundData:getSampleCount Returns the sample count of the SoundData.
SoundData:getSampleRate Returns the sample rate of the SoundData.
SoundData:setSample Sets the sample at the specified position.

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