love.mouse (Tiếng Việt)

Cung cấp giao diện cho chuột của máy.


love.mouse.getCursor Gets the current Cursor.
love.mouse.getPosition Returns the current position of the mouse.
love.mouse.getSystemCursor Gets a Cursor object representing a system-native hardware cursor.
love.mouse.getX Returns the current x-position of the mouse.
love.mouse.getY Returns the current y-position of the mouse.
love.mouse.isDown Checks whether a certain button is down.
love.mouse.isGrabbed Checks if the mouse is grabbed.
love.mouse.isVisible Checks if the cursor is visible.
love.mouse.newCursor Creates a new hardware Cursor object from an image.
love.mouse.setCursor Sets the current mouse cursor.
love.mouse.setGrab Grabs the mouse and confines it to the window.
love.mouse.setGrabbed Grabs the mouse and confines it to the window.
love.mouse.setPosition Sets the current position of the mouse.
love.mouse.setVisible Sets the current visibility of the cursor.
love.mouse.setX Sets the current X position of the mouse.
love.mouse.setY Sets the current Y position of the mouse.

Kiểu liệt kê

CursorType Types of hardware cursors.
MouseConstant Mouse buttons.

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