Available since LÖVE 0.9.1 |
This function is not supported in earlier versions. |
Converts a color from gamma-space (sRGB) to linear-space (RGB). This is useful when doing gamma-correct rendering using colors created based on what they look like on-screen.
Read more about gamma-correct rendering here, here, and here.
![]() | Gamma-correct rendering is an advanced topic and it's easy to get color-spaces mixed up. If you're not sure whether you need this, you might want to avoid it. |
number r
- The red channel of the sRGB color to convert.
number g
- The green channel of the sRGB color to convert.
number b
- The blue channel of the sRGB color to convert.
number lr
- The red channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
number lg
- The green channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
number lb
- The blue channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
An alpha value can be passed into the function as a fourth argument, but it will be returned unchanged because alpha is always linear.
table color
- An array with the red, green, and blue channels of the sRGB color to convert.
number lr
- The red channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
number lg
- The green channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
number lb
- The blue channel of the converted color in linear RGB space.
number c
- The value of a color channel in sRGB space to convert.
number lc
- The value of the color channel in linear RGB space.
Gamma-space sRGB has more precision in the lower end than linear RGB. Using this function to convert from sRGB to RGB can result in non-integer color values, which get truncated to integers and lose precision when used with other functions such as
Gamma-correct rendering using colored circles
-- Enable the sRGB mode for the window. This converts from linear RGB to gamma-space sRGB when
-- things are drawn to the screen (but blending calculations are done in linear RGB space.)
-- Computer monitors display in the sRGB color space.
love.window.setMode(800, 600, {srgb=true, fsaa=4})
-- If sRGB mode for the screen isn't supported, the flag will be false.
local _, _, flags = love.window.getMode()
gammacorrect = flags.srgb
-- Here we have a red-ish color with 50% opacity. I chose the color values here based on what it looked like
-- on-screen, and because computer monitors display in the sRGB color space, this color is in the sRGB color space.
color1 = {187, 54, 100, 128}
if gammacorrect then
-- If the window is in srgb mode, it converts from linear RGB to sRGB when drawing. This means we need to
-- convert the sRGB-space color to linear RGB space.
color1 = {love.math.gammaToLinear(color1)}
-- We want this color to be halfway between white and black (with 50% opacity as well).
-- If the window is in srgb mode, it expects linear-space colors and does blending that way, so this will work
-- out fine. If the window isn't in srgb mode, the color won't be halfway between white and black because
-- the values drawn to the screen aren't treated as linear-space RGB and converted to sRGB.
-- We could use love.math.linearToGamma in that case, but blending would still be wrong.
color2 = {128, 128, 128, 128}
-- Draw two overlapping circles with additive blending, using the colors above.
function love.draw()"additive")"fill", 300, 300, 200)"fill", 500, 300, 200)
Pre-multiply an image's alpha with its RGB values in linear RGB space
r = r * a / 255
g = g * a / 255
b = b * a / 255
return r, g, b, a
local function PremultiplyGammaPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a)
r, g, b = love.math.gammaToLinear(r, g, b)
r = r * a / 255
g = g * a / 255
b = b * a / 255
r, g, b = love.math.linearToGamma(r, g, b)
return r, g, b, a
-- Loads an image and pre-multiplies its RGB values with its alpha, for use with the 'premultiplied' alpha blend mode.
-- The multiplication correctly accounts for the color-space of the image.
function NewPremultipliedImage(filepath, format)
local imagedata = love.image.newImageData(filepath)
local mapfunction = format == "srgb" and PremultiplyGammaPixel or PremultiplyLinearPixel
return, format)
-- This assumes gamma-correct rendering (with the sRGB window flag) is being done.
image = NewPremultipliedImage("pig.png", "srgb")
See Also
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