Category:Snippets (Русский)

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Все отрывки (Snippets)

Check This function checks if it's arguments are of the right types and calls the error-function if one isn't.
DistanceBasedCollision Another way of detecting collisions. This type works perfectly with circles.
FractalNoise Generates 2 or 3 dimensional fractal noise
General math A collection of mathematical functions which are useful in game programming.
HSL color An alternate colorspace, allowing for aesthetically-pleasing color transformations.
HSL color (Português)
HSV color
Minimalist Sound Manager
NoiseWrapper A noise wrapper to LOVE's noise functions
PointInConcavePolygon A function returning True if the given point is inside the given polygon.
Polygon splitting Split convex polygons!
Shear Shear/skew graphics!
Skip list
Skip list:Drawing Order
SoundManager A simple sound manager with support for playing both sound effects and music playlists.
String exploding
String extensions
TileMerging Generate rectangles that cover tiles of a certain type on a tile map.
coroutine.resume Fix for hidden coroutine error messages.
findProjectileTrajectory Finds a projectile's position at a certain time
findRotation Takes two points and returns the direction from point A to point B.
uLove Compliance conf.lua


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