
A set of functions for testing if a point lies within an area

PointWithinShape(shape, x, y)
returns true if (x,y) lays within the bounds of the given shape. Shape defined by an array of 0 to n {x=x, y=y} values.
It generally defers to the other other functions in the file to do the heavy lifting (CrossingsMultipyTest(...), PointWithinLine(...), BoundingBox(...) and colinear(...))
BoundingBox(box, x, y)
returns true if the given point is inside the box defined by two points (in the same format taken by PointWithinShape(...)).
colinear(line, x, y, e)
returns true if the given point lies on the infinite line defined by two points (again, in the same format taken by PointWithinShape(...))
e is optional, if given it controls how close (x,y) must be to the line to be considered colinear. it defaults to 0.1
PointWithinLine(line, x, y, e)
returns true if the given point lies on the finite line defined by two points (again, in the same format taken by PointWithinShape(...))
e is optional, if given it controls how close (x,y) must be to the line to be considered within the line. it defaults to 0.66
CrossingsMultiplyTest(polygon, x, y)
returns true if the given point lies within the area of the polygon defined by three or points (again, in the same format taken by PointWithinShape(...))
(it is based on code from Point in Polygon Strategies)
GetIntersect( points )
returns the x,y coordinates of the intersect, same format taken by PointWithinShape(...)
(Added by Bambo - You will need the checkIntersect from the "General math" snippet for it to work)
function PointWithinShape(shape, tx, ty)
    if #shape == 0 then
        return false
    elseif #shape == 1 then
        return shape[1].x == tx and shape[1].y == ty
    elseif #shape == 2 then
        return PointWithinLine(shape, tx, ty)
        return CrossingsMultiplyTest(shape, tx, ty)

function BoundingBox(box, tx, ty)
    return  (box[2].x >= tx and box[2].y >= ty)
        and (box[1].x <= tx and box[1].y <= ty)
        or  (box[1].x >= tx and box[2].y >= ty)
        and (box[2].x <= tx and box[1].y <= ty)

function colinear(line, x, y, e)
    e = e or 0.1
    m = (line[2].y - line[1].y) / (line[2].x - line[1].x)
    local function f(x) return line[1].y + m*(x - line[1].x) end
    return math.abs(y - f(x)) <= e

function PointWithinLine(line, tx, ty, e)
    e = e or 0.66
    if BoundingBox(line, tx, ty) then
        return colinear(line, tx, ty, e)
        return false

-- The following function is based off code from
-- [ http://erich.realtimerendering.com/ptinpoly/ ]
 ======= Crossings Multiply algorithm ===================================
 * This version is usually somewhat faster than the original published in
 * Graphics Gems IV; by turning the division for testing the X axis crossing
 * into a tricky multiplication test this part of the test became faster,
 * which had the additional effect of making the test for "both to left or
 * both to right" a bit slower for triangles than simply computing the
 * intersection each time.  The main increase is in triangle testing speed,
 * which was about 15% faster; all other polygon complexities were pretty much
 * the same as before.  On machines where division is very expensive (not the
 * case on the HP 9000 series on which I tested) this test should be much
 * faster overall than the old code.  Your mileage may (in fact, will) vary,
 * depending on the machine and the test data, but in general I believe this
 * code is both shorter and faster.  This test was inspired by unpublished
 * Graphics Gems submitted by Joseph Samosky and Mark Haigh-Hutchinson.
 * Related work by Samosky is in:
 * Samosky, Joseph, "SectionView: A system for interactively specifying and
 * visualizing sections through three-dimensional medical image data",
 * M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
 * Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993.

--[[ Shoot a test ray along +X axis.  The strategy is to compare vertex Y values
 * to the testing point's Y and quickly discard edges which are entirely to one
 * side of the test ray.  Note that CONVEX and WINDING code can be added as
 * for the CrossingsTest() code; it is left out here for clarity.
 * Input 2D polygon _pgon_ with _numverts_ number of vertices and test point
 * _point_, returns 1 if inside, 0 if outside.

function CrossingsMultiplyTest(pgon, tx, ty)
    local i, yflag0, yflag1, inside_flag
    local vtx0, vtx1
    local numverts = #pgon

    vtx0 = pgon[numverts]
    vtx1 = pgon[1]

    -- get test bit for above/below X axis
    yflag0 = ( vtx0.y >= ty )
    inside_flag = false
    for i=2,numverts+1 do
        yflag1 = ( vtx1.y >= ty )
        --[[ Check if endpoints straddle (are on opposite sides) of X axis
         * (i.e. the Y's differ); if so, +X ray could intersect this edge.
         * The old test also checked whether the endpoints are both to the
         * right or to the left of the test point.  However, given the faster
         * intersection point computation used below, this test was found to
         * be a break-even proposition for most polygons and a loser for
         * triangles (where 50% or more of the edges which survive this test
         * will cross quadrants and so have to have the X intersection computed
         * anyway).  I credit Joseph Samosky with inspiring me to try dropping
         * the "both left or both right" part of my code.

        if ( yflag0 ~= yflag1 ) then
            --[[ Check intersection of pgon segment with +X ray.
             * Note if >= point's X; if so, the ray hits it.
             * The division operation is avoided for the ">=" test by checking
             * the sign of the first vertex wrto the test point; idea inspired
             * by Joseph Samosky's and Mark Haigh-Hutchinson's different
             * polygon inclusion tests.

            if ( ((vtx1.y - ty) * (vtx0.x - vtx1.x) >= (vtx1.x - tx) * (vtx0.y - vtx1.y)) == yflag1 ) then
                inside_flag =  not inside_flag

        -- Move to the next pair of vertices, retaining info as possible.
        yflag0  = yflag1
        vtx0    = vtx1
        vtx1    = pgon[i]

    return  inside_flag

function GetIntersect( points )
    local g1 = points[1].x
    local h1 = points[1].y
    local g2 = points[2].x
    local h2 = points[2].y
    local i1 = points[3].x
    local j1 = points[3].y

    local i2 = points[4].x
    local j2 = points[4].y
    local xk = 0
    local yk = 0
    if checkIntersect({x=g1, y=h1}, {x=g2, y=h2}, {x=i1, y=j1}, {x=i2, y=j2}) then
        local a = h2-h1
        local b = (g2-g1)
        local v = ((h2-h1)*g1) - ((g2-g1)*h1)

        local d = i2-i1
        local c = (j2-j1)
        local w = ((j2-j1)*i1) - ((i2-i1)*j1)

        xk = (1/((a*d)-(b*c))) * ((d*v)-(b*w))
        yk = (-1/((a*d)-(b*c))) * ((a*w)-(c*v))
        xk,yk = 0,0
    return xk, yk
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