User talk:Slime

Are you the author? I'm ask for a question.

There a folder include these files.

main.lua conf.lua music.ogg

if I want to pack them into EXE.I'll do these steps:

  1. Pack (main.lua conf.lua music.ogg) into ZIP namd
  2. Copy love.exe to here, then (cmd)copy mus.exe
  3. Copy SDL.dll,DevIL.dll and OpenAL32.dllto here,run mus.exe

It's run succesful, and there is a key step'music.ogg was packet into'

If I not pack the music.ogg, the mus.exe will can't load it. It seemed mus.exe just can load in itself and can't load exterior library.

In fact I want the complete EXE can read *.lua from exterior environment. So I come there to ask for this.

--ZDX朱世杰 10:54, 28 July 2013 (CEST)

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