
Commonly suspected to be a robot, for reasons including but not limited to the inhuman code it creates. It dreams in associative arrays. More information is here.



TEsound A sound manager that makes it easy to use sound and music
TLbind A simple system for creating professional control schemes
TLfres Lets games run at any resolution, easily and without stretching
TLpath Add A* pathfinding to games
Tserial Converts tables into strings and back. Good for saving games, multiplayer, etc.


General math A collection of mathematical functions which are useful in game programming.
HSL color An alternate colorspace, allowing for aesthetically-pleasing color transformations.
Shear Shear/skew graphics!


Chromatic Paths (0.7.1, Puzzle, Released)
Taehl - Travel through every spot in an area via a treacherous path, set to mellow visuals and music.
Isome screen4.png
Isome (0.7.0, Engine, Released)
Taehl - A 3D isometric engine.
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Plant game (0.7.1, Puzzle, Open beta)
Ensayia, Taehl - A game about growing and crossbreeding plants to meet various goals or escape disease.
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Polybius (0.7.1, Arcade, Released)
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Terus (0.7.1, Arcade, Abandoned)
Ensayia, Taehl - A remake of the old classic, Gyruss.
Love 2012-01-30 12-26-20-43.png
Underlife (0.7.1, Exploration, Unreleased)
Taehl - A simulation in entropic oppression.
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