
HTMLStylesheet Object


HTMLStylesheet Properties

Properties present in this table are properties currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM Properties will be implemented.

Property Description Implemented
title Gets or Sets the stylesheet title property No
cssRules Collection of all CSSRules in the stylesheet Yes
rules Collection of all CSSRules in the stylesheet Yes
type Gets or Sets the type attribute of the stylesheet No
disabled Whether the stylesheet is disabled Yes
href href attribute specifying the URI of the css resource No

HTMLStylesheet Methods

Methods present in this table are methods currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM methods will be implemented.

Method Description Implemented
addRule() Adds a new CSSRule to the stylesheet Yes
removeRule() Removes a CSSRule at the specified index Yes
deleteRule() Removes a CSSRule at the specified index Yes
insertRule() Inserts a rule at the specified index Yes

HTMLStylesheet Inherited Properties

This Object does not inherit Properties from any base Object

HTMLStylesheet Inherited Methods

This Object does not inherit Methods from any base Object

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