Node Object
Node Properties
Properties present in this table are properties currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM Properties will be implemented.
Property | Description | Implemented |
id | gets or sets the nodes id attribute. | Yes |
childNodes | Returns a NodeList of child nodes for a node | Yes |
firstChild | Returns the first child of a node | Yes |
previousSibling | Returns the node immediately preceding a node | Yes |
nextSibling | Returns the node immediately following a node | Yes |
lastChild | Returns the last child of a node | Yes |
nodeName | Returns the name of a node, depending on its type | Yes |
nodeType | Returns the type of a node | Yes |
nodeValue | Sets or returns the value of a node, depending on its type | Yes |
ownerDocument | Returns the root element (document object) for a node | Yes |
parentNode | Returns the parent node of a node | Yes |
textContent | Sets or returns the textual content of a node and its descendants | No |
text | Returns the text of a node and its descendants. | No |
xml | Returns the XML of a node and its descendants. | No |
Node Methods
Methods present in this table are methods currently planned for implementation. Not all W3C DOM methods will be implemented.
Method | Description | Implemented |
appendChild() | Adds a new child node to the end of the list of children of a node | Yes |
cloneNode() | Clones a node | No |
hasAttributes() | Returns true if a node has attributes of any name, otherwise it returns false | Yes |
hasAttribute() | Returns true if a node has the specified attribute, otherwise it returns false | Yes |
hasChildNodes() | Returns true if a node has any child nodes, otherwise it returns false | Yes |
insertBefore() | Inserts a new child node before an existing child node | No |
isEqualNode() | Checks if two nodes are equal | No |
isSameNode() | Checks if two nodes are the same node | Yes |
normalize() | Puts all text nodes underneath a node (including attributes) into a "normal" form where only structure separates Text nodes. | No |
removeChild() | Removes a child node | Yes |
removeAttribute() | Removes attribute from the current node's attribute collection | Yes |
replaceChild() | Replaces a child node | No |
getAttribute() | Gets attribute value from the current node's attribute collection | Yes |
setAttribute() | Sets attribute value from the current node's attribute collection. Creates the attribute if it doesn't exist | Yes |
getElementsByTagName() | Returns a NodeList of all child elements with a specified name | Yes |
getElementsByClassName() | Returns a NodeList of all child elements with a specified class under | Yes |
getElementById() | Returns the child node with the specified id from the calling node | Yes |
Node Inherited Properties
This Object does not inherit Properties from any base Object
Node Inherited Methods
This Object does not inherit Methods from any base Object