love.joystick (Tiếng Việt)

Cung cấp giao diện cho thiết bị tay bấm của người chơi.


love.joystick.close Closes a joystick.
love.joystick.getAxes Returns the position of each axis.
love.joystick.getAxis Returns the direction of the axis.
love.joystick.getBall Returns the change in ball position.
love.joystick.getHat Returns the direction of a hat.
love.joystick.getJoystickCount Gets the number of connected joysticks.
love.joystick.getJoysticks Gets a list of connected Joysticks.
love.joystick.getName Returns the name of a joystick.
love.joystick.getNumAxes Returns the number of axes on the joystick.
love.joystick.getNumBalls Returns the number of balls on the joystick.
love.joystick.getNumButtons Returns the number of buttons on the joystick.
love.joystick.getNumHats Returns the number of hats on the joystick.
love.joystick.getNumJoysticks Returns how many joysticks are available.
love.joystick.isDown Checks if a button on a joystick is pressed.
love.joystick.isOpen Checks if the joystick is open. Opens up a joystick to be used.
love.joystick.setGamepadMapping Binds a virtual gamepad input to a button, axis or hat.

Kiểu liệt kê

GamepadAxis Virtual gamepad axes.
GamepadButton Virtual gamepad buttons.
JoystickHat Joystick hat positions.
JoystickInputType Types of Joystick inputs.

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