Source Code Formatter |
Disclaimer: You are not forced to use this script!! You may experience problems when pasting code snippets or scripts into the wiki editor because of tabs. This script is here to help you. Hopefully by having a similar source code format this wiki will look consistent and more organised. Please do not start a flame war about what is good and bad formatting. You are free to do as you please.
lua -f codeformat.lua ...options...
--file <lua file>
- the Lua file to process
--ts <size>
- the size of your tabs eg. --ts 4
--in <indent size>
- number of spaces you use for indentation.
lua -f codeformat.lua --file myfile.lua --ts 4 --in 4
for files with a tab size of 4 spaces and an indent step of 4 spaces.
This script works with Lua 5.0. (Thanks to whoever updated the library calls from the Lua 4.0 version.)
-- Lua code formatter -- Removes tabs and checks lines arent too long. -- Nick Trout -- $Header: /Tools/build/codefmt.lua 3 16/08/01 20:00 Nick $ -- For Lua 5.0 mytabs = 4 -- spaces (default) myindent = 4 -- spaces (default) codetabsize = 8 -- spaces codeindent = 2 -- spaces per indent codelinelength = 80 -- characters usage = [[ Usage: lua -f codeformat.lua ...options... Options are: --file <lua file> --ts <spaces>, tabsize: number of spaces in your tabs --in <spaces>, indent size: number of spaces for each indentation ]] function process_args() -- get args set by user in command line local t,i = {},1 while i<table.getn(arg) do local a=arg[i] if a=="--file" then t.filename,i = arg[i+1],i+2 elseif a=="--ts" then t.mytabsize,i = arg[i+1]+0,i+2 elseif a=="--in" then t.myindent,i = arg[i+1]+0,i+2 else print(usage.."Bad flag: "..a) os.exit(-1) end end return t end function readfile(f) local,"rt") local t={} while 1 do local ln=fh:read("*l") if ln then table.insert(t,ln) else break end end fh:close() return t end -- convert any leading tabs in a given string to spaces. -- the number of spaces to replace the tab by is given by args.mytabsize function convertTabsToSpaces(ln) local s,e = string.find(ln,"\t+",1) if s and s==1 then local spc = string.rep(" ",args.mytabsize*(e-s+1)) ln = spc..string.sub(ln,e+1) end return ln end -- convert any indentation to use the standard indent function indent(ln) local s,e = string.find(ln," +",1) if s==1 then local indent = (e-s+1)/args.myindent ln = string.rep(" ",codeindent*indent)..string.sub(ln,e+1) end return ln end function process(lines) for li=1,table.getn(lines) do local line=lines[li] line = convertTabsToSpaces(line) line = indent(line) -- warn if length too long local len=string.len(line) if len>codelinelength then print("-- ######## Line too long ("..len.." chars) ######## :") end print(line) end end args = process_args() if not args.filename then error(usage.."no Lua file given") end args.mytabsize = args.mytabsize or mytabs args.myindent = args.myindent or myindent process( readfile(args.filename) )