Here are various resources related to [program analysis] (both static code analysis or dynamic program analysis) of Lua code.
- editor/IDE related:
- parsing:
- LuaGrammar - resources on lexing/compiling Lua. Some specifically used for static analysis include
- MetaLua - among other things, includes pure Lua libraries for Lua code (optionally with syntax extensions) to AST conversion.
- [LuaParse][5] - pure Lua lexer/parser, with semantically aware HTML highlighter
- LuaFish - Lua source to AST converter (via LuaPeg), plus some analysis support
- linting:
- optimization/refactoring:
- SourceOptimizer - source code transformation, mainly inlining functions.
- Some such things are done in LuaJIT2 [6]
- coverage:
- profiling: ProfilingLuaCode (dynamic analysis)
- debugging: DebuggingLuaCode (dynamic analysis)
- unit testing: UnitTesting
- miscellaneous: [Software Verification] has various commercial program analysis tools for Lua.
- mining/content analysis: MiningLuaCode
- LuaImplementationVerification - validating the correctness of the Lua implementations themselves
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Last edited March 26, 2014 11:42 am GMT (diff)