Observer Pattern

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This is an implementation of the Observer Design Pattern [1], making use of closures.

-- Observer design pattern.

-- Produces a few functions that have a closure that implements

-- subject-observer notification.

-- Example usage:

-- subject.reg, subject.dereg, subject.notify = observer.create()

-- subject:reg( "signal", observer, method )

-- subject:reg( "signal", nil, function )

-- subject:notify( "signal" )

-- subject:dereg( "signal", observer, method )

-- subject:dereg( "signal", nil, function )

local table = require("table");

local base = require("base");

local setmetatable = base.setmetatable

local ipairs = base.ipairs


function create()

  -- Containter holds the filter, and handlers and observers.

  local container = {}

  -- Provision for garbage collection, weak metatable and sentinel.

  local weak = { __mode = "kv" }

  -- Register

  -- Creates an observation between the Subject data and the

  -- Observer data, using filter Signal and handler Method.

  -- Usage:

  --   s:register( "update", o, o.m )

  local register = function( subject, signal, observer, method )

    t = container[signal] or {}

    local o = observer or weak

    local k = { method, o }

    setmetatable( k, weak )

    table.insert( t, k )

    container[signal] = t


  -- Deregister

  -- Removes any observations in the Signal filter, either matching

  -- the Observer and Method, or the whole filter if both are nil.

  -- Usage:

  --   s:deregister( "update" )

  --   s:deregister( "update", o )

  --   s:deregister( "update", o, o.m )

  local deregister = function( subject, signal, observer, method )

    t = container[signal]

    if not t then return end

    if not method and not observer then

      container[signal] = nil



    local i, v

    i = #t

    while i > 0 do

      v = t[i] or {}

      if  ( not method   or v[1] == method )

      and ( not observer or v[2] == observer ) then

        table.remove( t, i )


      i = i - 1



  -- Notify

  -- Uses the Signal Filter to notify all observations via their

  -- registered handlers.

  -- Usage:

  --   s:notify( "update" )

  local notify = function( subject, signal, ... )

    t = container[signal]

    if not t then return end

    for i, v in ipairs( t ) do

      if v[2] == weak then

        v[1](subject, ...)

      elseif v[2] then

        v[1](v[2], subject, ...)


      -- garbage collected observers (nil) are skipped.



  return register, deregister, notify


-- Signal

-- Convienience function that gives a shorthand to sending a

-- notification.

-- Usage:

--   s.update = signal( s, s.notify, "update" )

--   s.update()

function signal( subject, notify, name )

  return function( ... )

    return notify( subject, name, ... )



Here's an example usage. Note that the observer.signal function helps create a syntax that somewhat imitates the signals and slots model of the C++ framework Qt.


-- Observers.

function a( subject )

  print( "a", type(subject) )


function b( data, subject, extra )

  print( "b", data, type(subject), extra )


o = {}

function o:m( subject, extra )

  print( "o:m", type(self), type(subject), extra )


-- First Observation

reg, dereg, notify = observer.create()

reg( nil, "signal", nil, a )

reg( nil, "signal", "lol", b )

print( "First notification" )

notify( nil, "signal", "zomg" )

dereg( nil, "signal", nil, a )

print( "Second notification" )

notify( nil, "signal" )

-- Second Observation

s = {}

s.reg, s.dereg, s.notify = observer.create()

s.signal = observer.signal( s, s.notify, "signal" )

s:reg( "signal", nil, a )

s:reg( "signal", o, o.m )

print( "Third notification" )


s:dereg( "signal" )

s:reg( "signal", o, o.m )

print( "Fourth notification" )

o = nil


s:notify( "signal" )

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Last edited September 16, 2008 2:07 am GMT (diff)