Lua Ropes

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Lua Ropes

Because strings are immutable objects in Lua, it is important to avoid creating them unnecessarily. Very often programs manipulate strings in order to create some textual output. One strategy is to avoid creating intermediate strings, and to output all the pieces of the final text in the right order. The appropriate datatype for this is the rope[1], where

 rope ::= string | list of rope 
In other words, a rope is a tree whose leaves are strings. The important operation on trees is the tree-walk, applying a procedure to each leaf.


  local function walk(x,f)

    local typ, ok, bad = type(x),true

    local errmsg = "bad type (%s), %s"

    if typ == "string" then return pcall(f,x)

    elseif typ == "table" then

      local i,n = 1,#x

      while ok and i <= n do

        ok,bad = walk(x[i],f)

        i = i+1

      end -- while

      return ok,bad


      bad = errmsg:format(typ,typ and "" or "something undefined?")

      return nil,bad

    end -- if

  end -- function

  local mt = {

    push = function (self,x)

      local function f(y)

        if y and type(y) ~= "function" then

          self[#self + 1] =y

          return f

        elseif y then

          return function (z)

            return f(y(z))

          end -- function

        end -- if

      end -- function y

      return f(x)

    end; -- function push

    walk = walk;

    flatten = function(self)

      local o = {}

      local f = function (x) o[#o + 1] = x end -- function


      return table.concat(o)

    end; -- function


  function rope()

    return setmetatable({}, {__index = mt})

  end -- function

end -- do

t,x = rope(),rope()

t:push (string.upper) "m" "r" (string.char) (32) "Smith" ;

x:push [[ Good ]] [[morning]];

t:push (x)

t:walk(io.write) --> Mr Smith Good morning

print(t:flatten()) --> Mr Smith Good morning

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Last edited June 4, 2007 6:43 pm GMT (diff)