Lpeg Recipes

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Lua recipes for LPeg (LuaPeg), a new pattern-matching library for Lua.

See LpegTutorial for an introduction.

Place examples of Lua code using LPeg for parsing to help further the understanding of how to use parsing expression grammars.

Number Patterns

Written by Caleb Place of Gymbyl Coding

A table of number patterns to use for matching.

local number = {}

local digit = R("09")

-- Matches: 10, -10, 0

number.integer =

	(S("+-") ^ -1) *

	(digit   ^  1)

-- Matches: .6, .899, .9999873

number.fractional =

	(P(".")   ) *

	(digit ^ 1)

-- Matches: 55.97, -90.8, .9 

number.decimal =	

	(number.integer *              -- Integer

	(number.fractional ^ -1)) +    -- Fractional

	(S("+-") * number.fractional)  -- Completely fractional number

-- Matches: 60.9e07, 9e-4, 681E09 

number.scientific = 

	number.decimal * -- Decimal number

	S("Ee") *        -- E or e

	number.integer   -- Exponent

-- Matches all of the above

number.number =

	number.decimal + number.scientific -- Decimal number allows for everything else, and scientific matches scientific

C Comment Parser

local BEGIN_COMMENT = lpeg.P("/*")

local END_COMMENT = lpeg.P("*/")


local NOT_END = (1 - END_COMMENT)^0


-- Parser to find comments from a string

local searchParser = (NOT_BEGIN * lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS))^0

-- Parser to find non-comments from a string

local filterParser = (lpeg.C(NOT_BEGIN) * FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS)^0 * lpeg.C(NOT_BEGIN)

-- Simpler version, although empirically it is slower.... (why?) ... any optimization

-- suggestions are desired as well as optimum integration w/ C++ comments and other

-- syntax elements

local searchParser = (lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS) + 1)^0

-- Suggestion by Roberto to make the search faster

-- Works because it loops fast over all non-slashes, then it begins the slower match phase

local searchParser = ((1 - lpeg.P"/")^0 * (lpeg.C(FULL_COMMENT_CONTENTS) + 1))^0

Evaluate Standard Roman Numerals

The numeral is given in the variable text.

local add = function (x,y) return x+y end

local P,Ca,Cc= lpeg.P,lpeg.Ca,lpeg.Cc

local symbols = { I=1,V=5,X=10,L=50,C=100,D=500,M=1000,


local env = getfenv(1)

for s,n in pairs(symbols) do env[s:lower()] = P(s)*Cc(n)/add end


local MS = m^0

local CS = (d*c^(-4)+cd+cm+c^(-4))^(-1)

local XS = (l*x^(-4)+xl+xc+x^(-4))^(-1)

local IS = (v*i^(-4)+ix+iv+i^(-4))^(-1)

local p = Ca(Cc(0)*MS*CS*XS*IS)

local result = p:match(text:upper())

print(result or "?")


Match Sequences of Consecutive Integers

Needs Lpeg version 8.

local C,Cb,Cmt,R,S = lpeg.C,lpeg.Cb,lpeg.Cmt,lpeg.R,lpeg.S

local some = function (p) return (p+1)^1 end

local digit,space = R "09",S " "

local num = C(digit^1)/tonumber

local check = Cmt(Cb(1)*num,function (s,i,x,y)

      if y == x+1 then return i,y end end)

local monotone = some(C(num*(space^1*check)^0))

local m = monotone:match(text)

print (m or "?")


Match a list of integers or ranges

Recognise a list of integer values or ranges of integer values.

Return a table containing

Return nil if no integer values or ranges are found


local re = require 're'

local list_parser = re.compile [[

   list <- ( singleint_or_range ( ',' singleint_or_range ) * ) -> {}

   singleint_or_range <- range / singleint

   singleint <- { int } -> {}

   range <- ( { int } '-' { int } ) -> {}

   int <- %d+


local function parse_list(list_string)

   local t = list_parser:match(list_string)

   -- further processing to remove overlaps, duplicates, sort into ascending order, etc

   return t


Match a fixed number of repetitions of a pattern

Matching a precise number of occurrences of a certain pattern. -- ValeriuPalos?
function multiply_pattern(item, count)

    return lpeg.Cmt(lpeg.P(true),

               function(s, i)

                   local set, offset = {}, i

                   for j = 1, count do

                       set[j], offset = lpeg.match(item * lpeg.Cp(), s, offset)

                       if not offset then

                           return false



                   return offset, set



A detailed explanation [is described here] along with a method to match between a minimum and a maximum number of pattern occurrences.

Lua Lexer

This is a Lua lexer in LPeg. The original author is PeterOdding. This lexer eventually became [LXSH] which includes Lua and C lexers and syntax highlighters.



This module uses Roberto Ierusalimschy's powerful new pattern matching library

LPeg[1] to tokenize Lua source-code in to a table of tokens. I think it handles

all of Lua's syntax, but if you find anything missing I would appreciate a mail

at peter@peterodding.com. This lexer is based on the BNF[2] from the Lua manual.


I've saved my copy of this module under [$LUA_PATH/lexers/lua.lua] which means

I can use it like in the following interactive prompt:

   Lua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006 Lua.org, PUC-Rio

   > require 'lexers.lua'

   > tokens = lexers.lua [=[

   >> 42 or 0

   >> -- some Lua source-code in a string]=]

   > = tokens

   table: 00422E40

   > lexers.lua.print(tokens)

   line 1, number: `42`

   line 1, whitespace: ` `

   line 1, keyword: `or`

   line 1, whitespace: ` `

   line 1, number: `0`

   line 1, whitespace: `


   line 2, comment: `-- some Lua source-code in a string`

   total of 7 tokens, 2 lines

The returned table [tokens] looks like this:


   -- type       , text, line

   { 'number'    , '42', 1 },

   { 'whitespace', ' ' , 1 },

   { 'keyword'   , 'or', 1 },

   { 'whitespace', ' ' , 1 },

   { 'number'    , '0' , 1 },

   { 'whitespace', '\n', 1 },

   { 'comment'   , '-- some Lua source-code in a string', 2 },



Written by Peter Odding, 2007/04/04


- the Lua authors for a wonderful language;

- Roberto for LPeg;

- caffeine for keeping me awake :)


Shamelessly ripped from the SQLite[3] project:

   The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of a legal

   notice, here is a blessing:

      May you do good and not evil.

      May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.

      May you share freely, never taking more than you give.

[1] http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg.html

[2] http://lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#8

[3] http://sqlite.org


-- since this module is intended to be loaded with require() we receive the

-- name used to load us in ... and pass it on to module()

module(..., package.seeall)

-- written for LPeg .5, by the way

local lpeg = require 'lpeg'

local P, R, S, C, Cc, Ct = lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Ct

-- create a pattern which captures the lua value [id] and the input matching

-- [patt] in a table

local function token(id, patt) return Ct(Cc(id) * C(patt)) end

local digit = R('09')

-- range of valid characters after first character of identifier

local idsafe = R('AZ', 'az', '\127\255') + P '_'

-- operators

local operator = token('operator', P '==' + P '~=' + P '<=' + P '>=' + P '...'

                                          + P '..' + S '+-*/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')

-- identifiers

local ident = token('identifier', idsafe * (idsafe + digit + P '.') ^ 0)

-- keywords

local keyword = token('keyword', (P 'and' + P 'break' + P 'do' + P 'else' +

   P 'elseif' + P 'end' + P 'false' + P 'for' + P 'function' + P 'if' +

   P 'in' + P 'local' + P 'nil' + P 'not' + P 'or' + P 'repeat' + P 'return' +

   P 'then' + P 'true' + P 'until' + P 'while') * -(idsafe + digit))

-- numbers

local number_sign = S'+-'^-1

local number_decimal = digit ^ 1

local number_hexadecimal = P '0' * S 'xX' * R('09', 'AF', 'af') ^ 1

local number_float = (digit^1 * P'.' * digit^0 + P'.' * digit^1) *

                     (S'eE' * number_sign * digit^1)^-1

local number = token('number', number_hexadecimal +

                               number_float +


-- callback for [=[ long strings ]=]

-- ps. LPeg is for Lua what regex is for Perl, which makes me smile :)

local longstring = #(P '[[' + (P '[' * P '=' ^ 0 * P '['))

local longstring = longstring * P(function(input, index)

   local level = input:match('^%[(=*)%[', index)

   if level then

      local _, stop = input:find(']' .. level .. ']', index, true)

      if stop then return stop + 1 end



-- strings

local singlequoted_string = P "'" * ((1 - S "'\r\n\f\\") + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * "'"

local doublequoted_string = P '"' * ((1 - S '"\r\n\f\\') + (P '\\' * 1)) ^ 0 * '"'

local string = token('string', singlequoted_string +

                               doublequoted_string +


-- comments

local singleline_comment = P '--' * (1 - S '\r\n\f') ^ 0

local multiline_comment = P '--' * longstring

local comment = token('comment', multiline_comment + singleline_comment)

-- whitespace

local whitespace = token('whitespace', S('\r\n\f\t ')^1)

-- ordered choice of all tokens and last-resort error which consumes one character

local any_token = whitespace + number + keyword + ident +

                  string + comment + operator + token('error', 1)

-- private interface

local table_of_tokens = Ct(any_token ^ 0)

-- increment [line] by the number of line-ends in [text]

local function sync(line, text)

   local index, limit = 1, #text

   while index <= limit do

      local start, stop = text:find('\r\n', index, true)

      if not start then

         start, stop = text:find('[\r\n\f]', index)

         if not start then break end


      index = stop + 1

      line = line + 1


   return line


-- we only need to synchronize the line-counter for these token types

local multiline_tokens = { comment = true, string = true, whitespace = true }

-- public interface

getmetatable(getfenv(1)).__call = function(self, input)

   assert(type(input) == 'string', 'bad argument #1 (expected string)')

   local line = 1

   local tokens = lpeg.match(table_of_tokens, input)

   for i, token in pairs(tokens) do

      token[3] = line

      if multiline_tokens[token[1]] then line = sync(line, token[2]) end


   return tokens


-- if you really want to try it out before writing any code :P

function print(tokens)

   local print, format = _G.print, _G.string.format

   for _, token in pairs(tokens) do

      print(format('line %i, %s: `%s`', token[3], token[1], token[2]))


   print(format('total of %i tokens, %i lines', #tokens, tokens[#tokens][3]))


Lua Parser

A Lua 5.1 parser in LPeg. Improvements welcome. -- Patrick Donnelly (batrick)

local lpeg = require "lpeg";

local locale = lpeg.locale();

local P, S, V = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.V;

local C, Cb, Cc, Cg, Cs, Cmt =

    lpeg.C, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cmt;

local shebang = P "#" * (P(1) - P "\n")^0 * P "\n";

local function K (k) -- keyword

  return P(k) * -(locale.alnum + P "_");


local lua = P {

  (shebang)^-1 * V "space" * V "chunk" * V "space" * -P(1);

  -- keywords

  keywords = K "and" + K "break" + K "do" + K "else" + K "elseif" +

             K "end" + K "false" + K "for" + K "function" + K "if" +

             K "in" + K "local" + K "nil" + K "not" + K "or" + K "repeat" +

             K "return" + K "then" + K "true" + K "until" + K "while";

  -- longstrings

  longstring = P { -- from Roberto Ierusalimschy's lpeg examples

    V "open" * C((P(1) - V "closeeq")^0) *

        V "close" / function (o, s) return s end;

    open = "[" * Cg((P "=")^0, "init") * P "[" * (P "\n")^-1;

    close = "]" * C((P "=")^0) * "]";

    closeeq = Cmt(V "close" * Cb "init", function (s, i, a, b) return a == b end)


  -- comments & whitespace

  comment = P "--" * V "longstring" +

            P "--" * (P(1) - P "\n")^0 * (P "\n" + -P(1));

  space = (locale.space + V "comment")^0;

  -- Types and Comments

  Name = (locale.alpha + P "_") * (locale.alnum + P "_")^0 - V "keywords";

  Number = (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * P "0x" * locale.xdigit^1 *

               -(locale.alnum + P "_") +

           (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * locale.digit^1 *

               (P "." * locale.digit^1)^-1 * (S "eE" * (P "-")^-1 *

                   locale.digit^1)^-1 * -(locale.alnum + P "_") +

           (P "-")^-1 * V "space" * P "." * locale.digit^1 *

               (S "eE" * (P "-")^-1 * locale.digit^1)^-1 *

               -(locale.alnum + P "_");

  String = P "\"" * (P "\\" * P(1) + (1 - P "\""))^0 * P "\"" +

           P "'" * (P "\\" * P(1) + (1 - P "'"))^0 * P "'" +

           V "longstring";

  -- Lua Complete Syntax

  chunk = (V "space" * V "stat" * (V "space" * P ";")^-1)^0 *

              (V "space" * V "laststat" * (V "space" * P ";")^-1)^-1;

  block = V "chunk";

  stat = K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" +

         K "while" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "do" * V "space" *

             V "block" * V "space" * K "end" +

         K "repeat" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "until" *

             V "space" * V "exp" +

         K "if" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "then" *

             V "space" * V "block" * V "space" *

             (K "elseif" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * K "then" *

              V "space" * V "block" * V "space"

             )^0 *

             (K "else" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space")^-1 * K "end" +

         K "for" * V "space" * V "Name" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" *

             V "exp" * V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp" *

             (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp")^-1 * V "space" *

             K "do" * V "space" * V "block" * V "space" * K "end" +

         K "for" * V "space" * V "namelist" * V "space" * K "in" * V "space" *

             V "explist" * V "space" * K "do" * V "space" * V "block" *

             V "space" * K "end" +

         K "function" * V "space" * V "funcname" * V "space" *  V "funcbody" +

         K "local" * V "space" * K "function" * V "space" * V "Name" *

             V "space" * V "funcbody" +

         K "local" * V "space" * V "namelist" *

             (V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "explist")^-1 +

         V "varlist" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "explist" +

         V "functioncall";

  laststat = K "return" * (V "space" * V "explist")^-1 + K "break";

  funcname = V "Name" * (V "space" * P "." * V "space" * V "Name")^0 *

      (V "space" * P ":" * V "space" * V "Name")^-1;

  namelist = V "Name" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "Name")^0;

  varlist = V "var" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "var")^0;

  -- Let's come up with a syntax that does not use left recursion

  -- (only listing changes to Lua 5.1 extended BNF syntax)

  -- value ::= nil | false | true | Number | String | '...' | function |

  --           tableconstructor | functioncall | var | '(' exp ')'

  -- exp ::= unop exp | value [binop exp]

  -- prefix ::= '(' exp ')' | Name

  -- index ::= '[' exp ']' | '.' Name

  -- call ::= args | ':' Name args

  -- suffix ::= call | index

  -- var ::= prefix {suffix} index | Name

  -- functioncall ::= prefix {suffix} call

  -- Something that represents a value (or many values)

  value = K "nil" +

          K "false" +

          K "true" +

          V "Number" +

          V "String" +

          P "..." +

          V "function" +

          V "tableconstructor" +

          V "functioncall" +

          V "var" +

          P "(" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P ")";

  -- An expression operates on values to produce a new value or is a value

  exp = V "unop" * V "space" * V "exp" +

        V "value" * (V "space" * V "binop" * V "space" * V "exp")^-1;

  -- Index and Call

  index = P "[" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P "]" +

          P "." * V "space" * V "Name";

  call = V "args" +

         P ":" * V "space" * V "Name" * V "space" * V "args";

  -- A Prefix is a the leftmost side of a var(iable) or functioncall

  prefix = P "(" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P ")" +

           V "Name";

  -- A Suffix is a Call or Index

  suffix = V "call" +

           V "index";

  var = V "prefix" * (V "space" * V "suffix" * #(V "space" * V "suffix"))^0 *

            V "space" * V "index" +

        V "Name";

  functioncall = V "prefix" *

                     (V "space" * V "suffix" * #(V "space" * V "suffix"))^0 *

                 V "space" * V "call";

  explist = V "exp" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * V "exp")^0;

  args = P "(" * V "space" * (V "explist" * V "space")^-1 * P ")" +

         V "tableconstructor" +

         V "String";

  ["function"] = K "function" * V "space" * V "funcbody";

  funcbody = P "(" * V "space" * (V "parlist" * V "space")^-1 * P ")" *

                 V "space" *  V "block" * V "space" * K "end";

  parlist = V "namelist" * (V "space" * P "," * V "space" * P "...")^-1 +

            P "...";

  tableconstructor = P "{" * V "space" * (V "fieldlist" * V "space")^-1 * P "}";

  fieldlist = V "field" * (V "space" * V "fieldsep" * V "space" * V "field")^0

                  * (V "space" * V "fieldsep")^-1;

  field = P "[" * V "space" * V "exp" * V "space" * P "]" * V "space" * P "=" *

              V "space" * V "exp" +

          V "Name" * V "space" * P "=" * V "space" * V "exp" +

          V "exp";

  fieldsep = P "," +

             P ";";

  binop = K "and" + -- match longest token sequences first

          K "or" +

          P ".." +

          P "<=" +

          P ">=" +

          P "==" +

          P "~=" +

          P "+" +

          P "-" +

          P "*" +

          P "/" +

          P "^" +

          P "%" +

          P "<" +

          P ">";

  unop = P "-" +

         P "#" +

         K "not";


Also see LuaFish, Leg[1], or the [Lua parser in trolledit].

C Lexer

This lexes ANSI C. Improvements welcome. --DavidManura

-- Lua LPeg lexer for C.

-- Note:

--   Does not handle C preprocessing macros.

--   Not well tested.


-- David Manura, 2007, public domain.  Based on ANSI C Lex

--   specification in http://www.quut.com/c/ANSI-C-grammar-l-1998.html

--   (Jutta Degener, 2006; Tom Stockfisch, 1987, Jeff Lee, 1985)

local lpeg = require 'lpeg'

local P, R, S, C =

  lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.C

local whitespace = S' \t\v\n\f'

local digit = R'09'

local letter = R('az', 'AZ') + P'_'

local alphanum = letter + digit

local hex = R('af', 'AF', '09')

local exp = S'eE' * S'+-'^-1 * digit^1

local fs = S'fFlL'

local is = S'uUlL'^0

local hexnum = P'0' * S'xX' * hex^1 * is^-1

local octnum = P'0' * digit^1 * is^-1

local decnum = digit^1 * is^-1

local floatnum = digit^1 * exp * fs^-1 +

                 digit^0 * P'.' * digit^1 * exp^-1 * fs^-1 +

                 digit^1 * P'.' * digit^0 * exp^-1 * fs^-1

local numlit = hexnum + octnum + floatnum + decnum

local charlit =

  P'L'^-1 * P"'" * (P'\\' * P(1) + (1 - S"\\'"))^1 * P"'"

local stringlit =

  P'L'^-1 * P'"' * (P'\\' * P(1) + (1 - S'\\"'))^0 * P'"'

local ccomment = P'/*' * (1 - P'*/')^0 * P'*/'

local newcomment = P'//' * (1 - P'\n')^0

local comment = (ccomment + newcomment)

              / function(...) print('COMMENT', ...) end

local literal = (numlit + charlit + stringlit)

              / function(...) print('LITERAL', ...) end

local keyword = C(

  P"auto" + 

  P"_Bool" +

  P"break" +

  P"case" +

  P"char" +

  P"_Complex" +

  P"const" +

  P"continue" +

  P"default" +

  P"do" +

  P"double" +

  P"else" +

  P"enum" +

  P"extern" +

  P"float" +

  P"for" +

  P"goto" +

  P"if" +

  P"_Imaginary" +

  P"inline" +

  P"int" +

  P"long" +

  P"register" +

  P"restrict" +

  P"return" +

  P"short" +

  P"signed" +

  P"sizeof" +

  P"static" +

  P"struct" +

  P"switch" +

  P"typedef" +

  P"union" +

  P"unsigned" +

  P"void" +

  P"volatile" +


) / function(...) print('KEYWORD', ...) end

local identifier = (letter * alphanum^0 - keyword * (-alphanum))

                 / function(...) print('ID',...) end

local op = C(

  P"..." +

  P">>=" +

  P"<<=" +

  P"+=" +

  P"-=" +

  P"*=" +

  P"/=" +

  P"%=" +

  P"&=" +

  P"^=" +

  P"|=" +

  P">>" +

  P"<<" +

  P"++" +

  P"--" +

  P"->" +

  P"&&" +

  P"||" +

  P"<=" +

  P">=" +

  P"==" +

  P"!=" +

  P";" +

  P"{" + P"<%" +

  P"}" + P"%>" +

  P"," +

  P":" +

  P"=" +

  P"(" +

  P")" +

  P"[" + P"<:" +

  P"]" + P":>" +

  P"." +

  P"&" +

  P"!" +

  P"~" +

  P"-" +

  P"+" +

  P"*" +

  P"/" +

  P"%" +

  P"<" +

  P">" +

  P"^" +

  P"|" +


) / function(...) print('OP', ...) end

local tokens = (comment + identifier + keyword +

                literal + op + whitespace)^0

-- frontend

local filename = arg[1]

local fh = assert(io.open(filename))

local input = fh:read'*a'


print(lpeg.match(tokens, input))

~~ ThomasHarningJr : Suggestion for optimization of the 'op' matcher in the C preprocessor... This should be faster due to the use of sets instead of making tons of 'basic' string comparisons. Not sure 'how' much faster...

local shiftOps = P">>" + P"<<"

local digraphs = P"<%" + P"%>" + P"<:" + P":>" -- {, }, [, ]

local op = C(

-- First match the multi-char items

  P"..." +

  ((shiftOps + S("+-*/%&^|<>=!")) * P"=") +

  shiftOps +

  P"++" +

  P"--" +

  P"&&" +

  P"||" +

  P"->" +

  digraphs +


) / function(...) print('OP', ...) end

See also Peter "Corsix" Cawley's http://code.google.com/p/corsix-th/source/browse/trunk/LDocGen/c_tokenise.lua and the [C parser in trolledit].

C Parser

[ceg] - Wesley Smith's C99 parser

XML Parser

See the [XML parser in trolledit].

SciTE Lexers

[Scintillua] supports LPeg lexers. A number of [examples] are included.

Parsing UTF-8

Like Lua itself, LPeG only works with single bytes, not potentially-multibyte characters (which can occur in UTF-8). Here are some tricks that help you parse UTF-8 text.


The set function assumes that every byte is a character, so you can't use it to match UTF-8 characters. However, you can emulate it with the + operator.

local currency_symbol = lpeg.P('$') + lpeg.P('£') + lpeg.P('¥') + lpeg.P('¢')


Likewise, the range operator works on single bytes only, so it cannot be used to match UTF-8 characters outside ASCII.

Character classes

The character classes provided by lpeg.locale() only work on single bytes, even under a UTF-8 locale. By using [ICU4Lua], you can create equivalent character classes which will match UTF-8 characters (regardless of the current locale):

-- lpeg_unicode_locale.lua

local lpeg = require 'lpeg'

local U    = require 'icu.ustring'

local re   = require 'icu.regex'

local utf8_codepoint


  -- decode a two-byte UTF-8 sequence

  local function f2 (s)

    local c1, c2 = string.byte(s, 1, 2)

    return c1 * 64 + c2 - 12416


  -- decode a three-byte UTF-8 sequence

  local function f3 (s)

    local c1, c2, c3 = string.byte(s, 1, 3)

    return (c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3 - 925824


  -- decode a four-byte UTF-8 sequence

  local function f4 (s)

    local c1, c2, c3, c4 = string.byte(s, 1, 4)

    return ((c1 * 64 + c2) * 64 + c3) * 64 + c4 - 63447168


  local cont = lpeg.R("\128\191")   -- continuation byte

  utf8_codepoint = lpeg.R("\0\127") / string.byte

    + lpeg.R("\194\223") * cont / f2

    + lpeg.R("\224\239") * cont * cont / f3

    + lpeg.R("\240\244") * cont * cont * cont / f4


local alnum = re.compile('^\\p{alnum}$')

local alpha = re.compile('^\\p{alpha}$')

local cntrl = re.compile('^\\p{cntrl}$')

local digit = re.compile('^\\p{digit}$')

local graph = re.compile('^\\p{graph}$')

local lower = re.compile('^\\p{lower}$')

local print = re.compile('^\\p{print}$')

local punct = re.compile('^\\p{punct}$')

local space = re.compile('^\\p{space}$')

local upper = re.compile('^\\p{upper}$')

local xdigit = re.compile('^\\p{xdigit}$')

return {

  alnum = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(alnum, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  alpha = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(alpha, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  cntrl = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(cntrl, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  digit = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(digit, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  graph = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(graph, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  lower = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(lower, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  print = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(print, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  punct = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(punct, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  space = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(space, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  upper = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(upper, U.char(c)) end ) ;

  xdigit = lpeg.Cmt ( utf8_codepoint , function (s,i,c) return not not re.match(digit, U.char(c)) end ) ;


In your code, you might use it like this:

local lpeg = require 'lpeg'

local utf8 = require 'lpeg_utf8_locale'

local EOF = lpeg.P(-1)

local word = lpeg.C(utf8.alnum^1)

local tokenise = ( word * (utf8.space^1 + EOF ) )^0 * EOF

print(tokenise:match('þetta eru æðisleg orð'))



LPeg Grammar Tester: http://lpeg.trink.com/share/date_time

Common Log Format


Nginx meta grammar generator: http://lpeg.trink.com/share/clf



Rsyslog meta grammar generator: http://lpeg.trink.com/share/syslog

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Last edited March 9, 2014 4:14 am GMT (diff)