Here are resources related to database access in Lua.
- DBMS-generic
- [LuaSQL] (5.0/5.1) - ODBC, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, JDBC and PostgreSQL.
- [LuaDBI] (5.1) - DB2, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite. Based on Perl's DBI, provides prepared statements, placeholders and bind parameters.
- [Lua/APR relational database drivers] wrap APR's interface to relational database engines like SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, ODBC and FreeTDS.
- [LuaLDAP] (5.0/5.1) - LDAP client: OpenLDAP [1] or ADSI [2].
- [Lua Web Tools] (5.1/5.2) - MySQL, SQLite3, FreeTDS
- [LuaODBC] (5.1/5.2) - ODBC bindig for Lua.
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Last edited June 9, 2014 9:41 am GMT (diff)