Table of Contents

  1. General
    1. What is This?
    2. Loading Collections
  2. Triggers
  3. Using Tables
    1. Custom Fields
  4. Tables
    1. Colors
    2. Fonts
    3. Game
    4. Images
    5. Lighting
    6. Player
    7. Screen
    8. Shapes
  5. Types and Mnemonics
    1. Collections
    2. Difficulty
    3. Fade Effect Types
    4. Game Types
    5. Interface Colors
    6. Interface Fonts
    7. Interface Rectangles
    8. Inventory Sections
    9. Items
    10. Masking Modes
    11. Player and Team Colors
    12. Renderer Types
    13. Scoring Modes
    14. Sensor Blip Types
    15. Size Preferences
    16. Texture Types
    17. Weapons


What is This?

This is a reference for writing Lua scripts to draw heads-up displays (HUDs) in Aleph One.

This is not a reference for Lua itself - see for that.

Loading Collections

A Lua script can ask for the engine to load collections it might otherwise not load; for instance, in order to be able to draw defender and compiler shapes during a level that might not have them otherwise, add the indices for those collections to the global table CollectionsUsed:

CollectionsUsed = { 10, 16 }


These are functions scripts can define which Aleph One will call at specific times or events. For the HUD, the draw() trigger is the most important. For example, to write "Hello world" in the upper left corner of the screen: Triggers = {} function Triggers.init() myFont ={size = 14} end function Triggers.draw() myFont:draw_text("Hello world", 50, 50, {1, 1, 1, 1}); end


when a game session is started (after leaving the main menu)


when a game session is completed (before returning to the main menu)


when the window size changes in the middle of a game (with the F1/F2 keys)


at each game frame

all screen drawing must be called from this trigger

the screen is cleared before each frame

Using Tables

There are numerous tables (technically, userdata) defined in Aleph One which scripts can use to access objects in the game. A complete list is below.

Custom Fields

In a real Lua table, you can set any field you want. In order to help troubleshooting, Aleph One's userdata tables will only accept the fields listed in the documentation below. However, by prepending an underscore, custom fields can be indexed. These custom fields will be associated with the object until it is destroyed.

Players[0]._favorite_flavor = "chocolate"




Colors are standard Lua tables; you don't need to call a new() method to create them. Colors have four fields, accessed by name or number. If a field is missing, it is assumed to be 1, which allows you to write opaque colors as {r, g, b}.


red component, from 0 to 1


green component, from 0 to 1


blue component, from 0 to 1


alpha component (opacity), from 0 to 1

Fonts{ [file=] [, size=] [, style=]}

  • file: the path to a TTF file, for the standard variant of the font (the special path "mono" indicates the default Mono Sans font) [default: "mono"]
  • size: the font size to use [default: 12]
  • style: a number indicating the sum of any font styles to use (1 - bold; 2 - italic; 4 - underline) [default: 0]{id= [, size=] [, style=]}

  • id: a resource ID from the Fonts file (for the default Fonts file, valid values are 4 for Monaco and 22 for Courier)
  • size: the font size to use [default: 12]
  • style: a number indicating the sum of any font styles to use (1 - bold; 2 - italic; 4 - underline) [default: 0]{interface=} SVN

  • interface: see InterfaceFonts for mnemonics
.id (read-only)

can be nil

.file (read-only)

can be nil

.size (read-only)

.style (read-only)

.line_height (read-only)

.scale SVN

scale factor, for resizing specific bitmap font sizes

it's usually better to create a new font at the correct size instead


returns the width and height of a string when drawn in this font

:draw_text(string, x, y, color)

draws a string to the screen

transparency only available in OpenGL renderer



all items in Game are read-only


the difficulty level


the game kill limit, or nil if there is none


the number of ticks until the game ends, or nil if there is no time limit


the current scoring mode (if the gametype is "custom")


ticks since game started


whether the game is EMFH, KOTH, etc.


the date version of the local player's engine

for example, "20071103"

.active 20111201

true if this player's viewpoint is currently displayed


color of player (shirt color, if teams are enabled)


player kills, not including suicides


true if this player is the local player



points or ticks, depending on game type


player's team (pants color)


  • resource: a resource ID from the Images file{path= [, mask=]}

  • path: the path to the image file to use
  • mask: the path to an image file to use as an opacity mask
.width (read-only)

width of the image in pixels

.height (read-only)

height of the image in pixels

.unscaled_width (read-only)

width of the image before any calls to :rescale()

.unscaled_height (read-only)

height of the image before any calls to :rescale()


specifies a portion of the image to be drawn






scale the color and opacity by this value when drawing

default is (r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1)

only available in OpenGL renderer


degrees to rotate the image when drawn

axis of rotation is about the center of the drawn area

only available in OpenGL renderer

:rescale(width, height)

resize image to specified width and height

:draw(x, y)

draw image (or cropped portion) to screen, with top left corner at specified position



All items in Lighting are read-only


light level in current location, from 0 to 1


current brightness of weapons fire, from 0 to 1


faders only available in OpenGL, when "Color Effects" are enabled


true if fade effect is being drawn


color used for this fade effect


which fade effect type is used



All items in Player are read-only


color of player (shirt color, if teams are enabled)


whether player is dead


direction player is facing, in degrees

0 is east, 90 is south


angle player is looking up or down

.forward 20111201

player's forward/backward velocity, from internal and external forces

in WU per tick; positive values mean forward movement

.perpendicular 20111201

player's left/right velocity

in WU per tick; positive values mean rightward movement

.vertical 20111201

player's up/down velocity

in WU per tick; positive values mean upward movement


amount of suit energy player has (150 is normal red health)


true if netmic is on


which section of the inventory to display

HUD themes can choose to display multiple sections simultaneously




how many of item the player is carrying


which section of the inventory should display this item


label to use for more than 1 of the item

from stringset 150


label to use for 1 of the item

from stringset 150


.valid SVN

whether item is valid in the current environment (i.e. vacuum)


whether north east compass quadrant is active


whether north west compass quadrant is active


whether south east compass quadrant is active


whether south west compass quadrant is active


whether player can view his motion sensor

currently, this also indicates compass visibility


direction relative to player, in degrees

0 is to player's right, 90 is directly behind player


distance from player, in WU (maximum is 8)


from 0 (strongest) to 5 (weakest)


see "Sensor Blip Types" for mnemonics


player's name


amount of oxygen player has (max is 10800)

.respawn_duration SVN

ticks remaining before dead player can revive

nil until player is completely dead


player's team (pants color)


number of slot to highlight

can be nil


how many slots the palette is using

the texture palette is normally visible whenever the size is greater than 0


collection of this slot


texture index of this slot


texture type of this slot such as wall or sprite; see "Texture Types"


weapon the player is currently wielding

can be nil


weapon the player wants to switch to

can be nil

.name 20111201

label shown in classic HUD

from stringset 137; may differ from label in Player.items

.name_rect SVN

position of label in classic HUD






.bullet_display SVN

can be nil


number of bullets in a single row


number of bullet rows



height of a single bullet in classic HUD




width of a single bullet in classic HUD



.energy_display SVN

can be nil


the interface color for drawing the full region and border


the interface color for drawing the empty region



should usually match total_rounds





how many rounds are currently loaded into the weapon


how many rounds can be loaded into the weapon


.shape SVN

can be nil


frame in Interface collection





whether player's sniper zoom is active


.width (read-only)

width of the available screen area

.height (read-only)

height of the available screen area


whether horizontal or vertical FOV is adjusted as aspect ratio changes



.active (read-only) 20111201

whether crosshairs are visible

.lua_hud 20111201

whether the Lua HUD script draws the crosshairs

.renderer (read-only)

which renderer is in use

.map_active (read-only)

whether the overhead map is currently displayed

.map_overlay_active (read-only) 20111201

whether the "Overlay Map" preference is enabled

.term_active (read-only)

whether a terminal is currently displayed

.hud_size_preference (read-only)

current preference setting for HUD size (normal, double, largest)

.term_size_preference (read-only)

current preference setting for terminal size (normal, double, largest)


image-based masking; set to drawing mode to create visible areas and enabled to use the mask

masking only available in OpenGL renderer


constrain drawing to the specified area of the screen






specifies the area of the screen for the 3D game view






specifies the area of the screen for the overhead map






specifies the area of the screen for displaying terminals






reset the image-based mask

.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color)

draws a solid rectangle to the screen

.frame_rect(x, y, width, height, color, thickness)

draws an outlined rectangle to the screen

  • thickness: outline size in pixels

the outline is drawn entirely inside the given bounds

Shapes{collection=, texture_index= [, type=] [, color_table=]}

all arguments are passed by name; returns shape or nil

  • collection: the shape collection
  • texture_index: frame (not bitmap) index
  • type: type such as wall or sprite; see "Texture Types"
  • color_table: color table index
.width (read-only)

width of the shape in pixels

.height (read-only)

height of the shape in pixels

.unscaled_width (read-only)

width of the shape before any calls to :rescale()

.unscaled_height (read-only)

height of the shape before any calls to :rescale()


specifies a portion of the shape to be drawn






scale the color and opacity by this value when drawing

default is (r=1, g=1, b=1, a=1)

only available in OpenGL renderer


degrees to rotate the shape when drawn

axis of rotation is about the center of the drawn area

only available in OpenGL renderer

:rescale(width, height)

resize shape to specified width and height

:draw(x, y)

draw shape (or cropped portion) to screen, with top left corner at specified position

Types and Mnemonics


# Collections

number of bitmaps in collection



# DifficultyTypes


Fade Effect Types

# FadeEffectTypes


Game Types

# GameTypes


Interface Colors SVN

# InterfaceColors
.r (read-only)
.red (read-only)

.g (read-only)
.green (read-only)

.b (read-only)
.blue (read-only)

.a (read-only)
.alpha (read-only)

alpha is always 1


Interface Fonts SVN

# InterfaceFonts


Interface Rectangles SVN

# InterfaceRects
.x (read-only)

.y (read-only)

.width (read-only)

.height (read-only)


Inventory Sections

# InventorySections



# ItemTypes


Masking Modes

# MaskingModes


Player and Team Colors

# PlayerColors


Renderer Types

# RendererTypes


Scoring Modes

# ScoringModes


Sensor Blip Types

# SensorBlipTypes


Size Preferences

# SizePreferences


Texture Types

# TextureTypes



# WeaponTypes
